Safety & Security

Safety & Security

At Venture Planet, we take the welfare of each and every participant on our tours very seriously. Just as we work tirelessly to provide once-in-a-lifetime experiences to group leaders and students, we are equally committed to ensuring that all of our travelers return home safely. Our safety and support infrastructure has been a cornerstone of our business for more than 10 years.

VENTURE PLANET Travelers Are in Good Hands

Dedicated, Constantly Connected Staff

We monitor all safety-related events, making proactive decisions to optimize security.

Network of Overseas Offices

VENTURE PLANET offices in London, California, Germany, Dubai and other major destination cities ensure that we have on-the-ground support when it is needed.

Duty Officer System

Our 24-hour Duty Officer system operates seven days a week in the United States , India and overseas to deal with any emergency quickly and professionally.

Professionally Trained Tour Managers

Top-quality VENTURE PLANET Tour Manager work in tandem with group leaders throughout each trip. They discuss security measures during each group's arrival briefing and carry cellular phones to access RWW' 24-hour Duty Officer system.

Overseas Health Insurance

All participants are advised for an international medical insurance plan, coordinated by our staffs.